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In line with our prioritization analysis, we have identified 15 out of 23 sustainability topics as our short-term goals, classifying them as "high priority topics" under our main categories. When forming our sustainability strategy, these high priority topics were considered first.

Environmental Goals

Goal 1: Combat Climate Change

Goal 2: Emission Management

Goal 3: Water Efficiency

Goal 4: Certification and Compliance with Standards

Goal 5: Contribution to Circular Economy and Improvement of Waste Management

Goal 6: Sustainable Product Management

Social Goals

Goal 1: Enhance Occupational Health and Safety Culture

Goal 2: Maintain a Workplace Supporting Healthy Eating and Regular Physical Activity

Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality

Goal 4: Increase Employee Engagement

Goal 5: Digitalization

Goal 6: Raise Sustainability Awareness

Goal 7: Increase Awareness of Akcoat and Its Products

Goal 8: Contribute to Community Development

Goal 9: Raise Awareness of Ethics and Transparency

Economic Goals

Goal 1: Ensure the Use of Renewable Energy

Goal 2: Measure the Value Created by Sustainability

Goal 3: Establish a Sustainable Supply Chain Infrastructure

Goal 4: Achieve Progress in R&D and Innovation

Goal 5: Utilize National/International Awards and Incentives, Ensure Commitment Participation

Goal 6: Integrate Corporate/Process Risk and Opportunity Management into Sustainability Efforts

Goal 7: Increase Customer Satisfaction

Goal 8: Improve and Report Product Inventory Tracking System